Welcome to Preschool

In Preschool we endeavour to create spaces and experiences that are meaningful, well planned and offer appropriate levels of challenge so that children become deeply involved in their learning, play and exploration.

Nothing lights up the brain like play.”  Dr Stuart Brown

The Environment

We offer a safe, inclusive and stimulating learning environment both indoors and outdoors. All areas are motivating and inviting to the children which allows them to choose from a range of activities. 

Children are provided with many opportunities to explore, experiment, plan and make decisions for themselves, thereby enabling them to progress within their learning and development.

The preschool room is bright, spacious and well-resourced with many different exciting areas for the children to play and learn.

The Curriculum

“Tell me and I forget, show me and I remember, involve me and I will learn.”

Ancient Chinese Proverb

Our aim is for children to thrive in a setting that has the children’s interests at the heart of all that is offered, resulting in high levels of motivation, where every child acquires and consolidates skills and knowledge at their highest level.

The Early Years Foundation Stage (Department for Education 2012) sets standards for the learning, development and care of children from birth to 5 years old.

Children in the EYFS learn by playing and exploring, being active and through creative and critical thinking which takes place both indoors and outside. Children will learn skills, acquire new knowledge and demonstrate their understanding through 7 areas of development. 

Prime areas of Development

  • Communication and Language 
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Physical Development

Specific Areas of Development

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design


Assessment of children’s learning is based on day-to- day observations and interactions with the children in a range of situations. Observations allow practitioners to gain an insight into the children’s needs, experiences, interests, thinking, strengths and areas for development. This information is essential when deciding how to support and enhance the children’s learning, both individually and collectively.

We record the children’s observations and achievements and track their learning and development on an individual EYFS ‘Learning Journey’.

This Learning journey is always accessible so that you are able to see the progress that your child is making at our nursery.

We will also invite you to attend termly Stay and Play sessions, here you will be able to speak to your child’s Key Person and read through observations and assessments. 


We have a flexible rhythm of the day to accommodate for children’s individual needs. This sets out what your child will be accessing throughout the day.





Breakfast time

8:45 & 12:30

Welcome time

Registration activities

e.g. days of the week song, weather, how many children are here today? Self-registration; writing name/reading name cards

9:10 & 12:55

Adult led activities.

This time is for planned activities which are led by the adult. Learning outcomes are linked to areas from the EYFS.

9:30 & 1:15

Child Initiated Learning

Led by the children, enhanced through planning, unique to every child, starts by what children are interested in, children choose own resources, this time gives opportunity to develop creativity and curiosity, encourages communication, takes place indoors and outside, children apply learning.

11.00 & 2.45

Tidy Up Time

Whole Group singing and rhyme time.


11:15 & 3:00


11:30  & 3:15

Colour Group Time with Key Person

Review Learning, Story time


11:45  & 4:00

Lunch/High Tea


Enhanced provision for After School Club

Meals & Snacks

Our meals are freshly prepared on site by our cook daily and all menus are developed by Telford and Wrekin ensuring they are healthy and balanced.

Mealtimes at our nursery is fun and educational. We try to replicate the family environment with children sitting around the table to encourage conversation and develop physical skills pouring water from jugs and when using the cutlery.  

Water, cow’s milk and fresh fruit is provided throughout the day at our snack table (or alternative milk for those with dairy allergies). We ask for a small contribution towards snack each week.

Home-School Links

During the induction we ask you to complete an 'All about my child' booklet that helps us to support your young child in their first days settling in.

We actively encourage parents and carers to get involved with their child's nursery education, inviting you in for termly Stay and Play sessions as well as contributing to your child's 'learning journey' by telling us about their achievements at home.

You will have the opportunity to take our mascot 'Bertie Bear' home and tell us about the exciting things she does with your family by filling in his diary for us to share.

Each week during term time a weekly newsletter is published on the website that will inform you of what's happening in nursery, important dates, visitors, celebrations and what learning will be taking place. It will also inform you of any important events such as visits etc. that you may wish to get involved with.

 Our Staff

We pride ourselves on our qualified and experienced team within preschool who work closely with parents and children to improve their outcomes.

Our staffing structure consists of a Qualified Teacher, and a supervisor supported by a team of practitioners who have a wealth of experience and training specifically for supporting children's development. 

Keeping Safe

We ensure we adhere to the Ofsted Statutory requirements by having robust policies and procedures to safeguard your child. We understand that children learn best when they are healthy, safe and secure, when their individual needs are met, and when they have positive relationships with the adults caring for them.

We will inform you if your child is unwell or has an accident whilst in our care through an accident form or a phone call, all parents and carers are required to fill in all permission documents on enrolment. All staff have up to date first aid and child protection training.

We ensure all our policies are available by publishing them on the website for you to access, we encourage all our parents/carers to read them carefully.


Baby and Toddler Room Day Care

Full Year (51 weeks) or term time (38 weeks)



Rates Per week

Full Day

5 x full days (07:30-18:00) 10.5 hours per day includes breakfast, lunch, and high tea

£315 (£260.44 discount rate for full time, full year)

Short Day

5 x Short Day (8:30-15:30) 7 hours per session includes lunch.



5 x mornings (07:30-12:30) 5 hours per session includes breakfast and lunch.




5 x afternoons (12:30-18:00) 5.5 hours per session includes high tea.


Full day rate =£63.00 inc. breakfast, lunch, and high tea (a minimum of x 3 days) Hourly Rate £6.00

Funded Childcare from September 2024 and 2025

Baby Room

(from September 2024 up to 15 hours for eligible working families with a child between 9-23 months old) (from September 2025 up to 30 hours for eligible working families from 9 months old to school age)

Toddler Room

(from April 2024 up to 15 hours for 38 weeks of the year for eligible working families who have a 2-year-old) (from September 2025 up to 30 hours for 38 weeks of the year for eligible working families who have a 2-year-old)



5 x mornings (08:45-11:45) 3 hours exc. breakfast and lunch


5 x afternoons (12:30-15:30) 3 hours exc. lunch and high tea


2 days 8:45 to 15:30 including lunch


Extra non- funded morning session 8:45 to 11:45 (minimum of 3 sessions)

3hrs x £6.00 per hour =£18.00 per day

Extra non- funded afternoon session 12:30 to 15:30 (minimum of 3 sessions)

3hrs x £6.00 per hour =£18.00 per day

Healthy Snack (20 pence per session)

5 session x 20p = £1.00 per week

10 sessions x 20p =£2.00 per week

Preschool Room



30 hours for 38 weeks of the year for eligible working families who have a 3-4year-old



5 x mornings (08:45-11:45) 3 hours exc. breakfast and lunch


5 x afternoons (12:30-15:30) 3 hours exc. lunch and high tea


2 days 8:45 to 15:30 including lunch


Extra non- funded morning session 8:45 to 11:45 (minimum of 3 sessions)

3 x £6.00 per hour =£18.00

Extra non- funded afternoon session 12:30 to 15:30 (minimum of 3 sessions)

3 x £6.00 per hour =£18.00

Healthy Snack (20 pence per session)

5 session x 20p = £1.00 per week

10 sessions x 20p =£2.00 per week

Wrap Around Care



Early session (07:30-08:45) 1.25 hours includes a selection of cereals and toast


Midday session (11:45-12:30) 45 mins includes a well-balanced hot meal


Late session (15:30-18:00) 2.5 hours includes a high tea


Late Collection

Charge from the end of the session time

£10 every 15 minutes