Mrs Gill Stubbs

Local Authority Governor (Chair)

I am excited to be embarking upon my new role as Chair of the Governing Board.
I became part of the Governing Board shortly after I retired from my role as School
Business Manager in 2016. During my time as an employee at the school I felt very
privileged to work with the children and such dedicated staff.
I embarked upon a role in education following a career with Barclays Bank and after
taking a break to look after my two daughters. I arrived at Wrockwardine Wood
Infant School in April 1994, intending to stay for one term. Twenty two years later I
finally retired and felt very proud of the part I playing in the school’s success.
During my time at the school I was lucky to be part of some exciting developments
such as the addition of the school nursery added in 1998 and the exciting new
challenge of the federation with Oakengates Nursery School & Children’s Centre in
As you can imagine I have a wealth of expertise to bring to my role as Chair. I have
gained some of this from my role as the School Business Manager but also as a
governor for the last 3 years.
I have a good understanding of Finance, the Pupil Premium Strategy, Human
Resources, Health and Safety, Safeguarding and most importantly standards.
I believe there are no barriers we cannot overcome to ensure our children succeed.
I look forward to serving the community of the federation and sharing my knowledge
and understanding gained over the years