
Admission Arrangements

We are a unique setting consisting of:

  • A Local Authority Maintained Nursery School for 2-4 year olds
  • An Ofsted registered Day Care facility for 0-4 year olds. 

We offer government funded nursery places for children 0-4 years who are eligible. This funding consists of:

  • Talking Two's
  • 15 hours
  • 30 hours

Our Day Care facilities include full day care for under 2's and wrap around care for children 2-4 years old. As well as a holiday club for children who attend our nursery. 

  • Baby Room
  • Breakfast Club
  • Lunch
  • After School Club
  • Holiday Club

Click here to download an initial Application Form.

Once your child has been offered a place, we will ask you to complete a more detailed Admissions Form. 

Visiting our Nursery

We do offer tours of our nursery. Please call the admin office on 01952 387 910 to book an appointment.  

Policy Statement

It is our intention to make our nursery accessible to children and families from the local community and beyond. We aim to ensure that all children and their families have access to the nursery through open, fair and clearly communicated procedures. Please click here to read our Admission Policy

To apply for a funded place

Please access the childcare choices website by clicking on the image below to find out about how you can get support with your childcare costs.