Safeguarding - Keeping Children Safe
At Wrockwardine Wood Infant School & Oakengates Nursery federation we are committed to keeping our children safe.
Therefore we have:
- a comprehensive Child Protection and Safeguarding policy with comprehensive hyperlinks to Telford and Wrekin's Safeguarding Partnership.
- a governor who monitors progress towards the actions which have arisen from our annual Child Protection audit (S175/157) each term.
- a robust safer recruitment policy to ensure any adult who works with the children in school is safe to do so.
- Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL's) who receive regular updates, supervision and training for child protection so they are highly skilled and know how to keep children safe.
- an electronic system called CPOMS which is used by trained staff to report any child protection concerns
- strong safeguarding procedures for visitors to school. Different coloured lanyards for different levels of clearance-children are aware of what the different colours represent- black-school staff, yellow -visitor with DBS, red-adult needs to be accompanied by school staff,
- a system for collection of children so only the adult that drops the child off collects, unless school is informed otherwise. A password is given to parents at Oakengates nursery which is used as verification when a different adult collects at the end of a session.
- a child protection and safeguarding information board to share up to date safeguarding information for staff, children, parents and visitors
- a Safety Squad- two representatives from each class meet regularly with the personal development leader to discuss, plan and implement safety themes
- a positive Behaviour Policy with clear principles for behaviour implemented consistently promoting our Golden rules
- highly trained staff for the Management of Actual or Potential Aggression (MAPA) so children keep themselves and others safe.
- an antibullying policy which we visit regularly in our teaching, in the classroom, through assemblies and during planned workshops. We consistently encourage children to 'TELL' if someone is unkind to them.
- robust e-safety policy to ensure children learn how to keep themselves safe on line
- e-safety advice for parents so they know haw to keep their children safe when they are on line
- a well planned, coherent curriculum which has Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development threaded throughout so children learn to be thoughtful, caring and active citizens in school and in wider society
- daily Collective worship where we assemble as a whole school to learn about the spiritual, moral, social and cultural aspects of school life, the community and the wider world.
- a strong Relationship, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) policy and a Personal, Social, Health and Social Education Policy and curriculum which includes a scheme of work called Jigsaw to support children's personal development and so they know how to keep themselves Healthy, Happy and Safe.
- a Emotional Health and Well Being (EHWB) initiative to support children and adult's mental health needs.
- regular outdoor physical learning sessions (OWL) /Educational visits/residential visits-to build self-esteem, confidence and resilience
- highly trained staff who understand the importance of dispositions for learning such as collaboration and resilience
- a strong ethos which creates positive relationships between child/child, child/adult, adult/adult.
- an Educational Visits Policy and Educational Visits coordinator who attends regular updates and training so children are safe on visits away from school
- risk assessments which are regularly reviewed and children are involved in the writing of these for Educational visits
- a policy for supporting children with medical conditions and needs and Individual Health Care (IHC) plans for these children
- Paediatric First Aid trained staff
- a Health & Safety and Fire Policy which are externally monitored by the Local Authority to ensure they remain effective.
- daily checks by the caretaker and staff so grounds are maintained and are safe
- clear health and safety signage for example signs to remind parents and visitors not to use their mobile phones on site, or Fire evacuation procedures
- time to make a Home Visit for Nursery and Reception children –to build strong home/school links
- an open door policy to allow us to build strong relationships with parents
If you would like more detail about the policies mentioned above please go to the policies section of this website.
Below are some useful websites which will give you guidance on how to keep your child safe at home.