Meetings and Business Interests
Our Governors are representatives of the local community, parents, and school staff. They bring a range of interests, knowledge and skills to the school whilst working in a voluntary capacity.
The federation governing board is the legally accountable body for our group of schools. It is accountable to the local authority and it has a strategic overview of the school and nurseries within the federation.
The governors are the vision setters and strategic decision makers. They play a vital role in securing the best possible education that will take every child as far as their talents take them. Crucially, governors create robust accountability, for our leaders by asking the right questions, and using objective data on the performance of our children, teachers and finances.
Governors check that our a rich, well sequenced curriculum is being taught well and that children are building their knowledge so they know and remember more. They ensure we prepare our children for life in modern Britain, checking we are teaching the fundamental British Values which underpin good citizenship. These values are Democracy, Rule of Law, Respect and Tolerance, Individual Liberty.
Governors ensure resources are allocated to strategic priorities and safeguarding the highest standards of financial propriety. They are also responsible for monitoring the effectiveness of school policies such as the Child Protection and Health and Safety policies to ensure the highest standards of safety and care.
The Governing Board is made up of people with varied skill sets. If you would like to be a school governor please follow the link to the National Governance Association
Governing Board Meetings
The Governing Board hold three interim meetings and three full governing board meetings each year. On occasions governors may need to meet in addition to this depending on the circumstances.
Below are documents which show governors attendance at meetings, their category, their term of office and their areas of responsibility. The governors register of business interests is also included below.
2023-2024 Documents
2024-2025 Documents
Governing Board Information and Attendance at meetings
Register of Business Interests Autumn Interim
Register of Business Interests Autumn Full Governing Board Meeting
Register of Business Interests Spring Interim
Register of Business Interests Spring Full Governing Board Meeting